Interdisciplinary Pain Management TEAM at Rise BC Wellness Centre

What is Interdisciplinary Pain Management?

It involves a team of health care providers working directly with you to address your pain using a variety of measurements, interventions, and strategies for self-management designed to offer a complete program from assessment, treatment, communication, education, and follow up. The treatment is never focused on just the pain, it takes a holistic approach.

Your TEAM can be made of up of a variety of people including but not restricted to; you, your significant others, physicians, mental health professionals, occupational therapists, physical therapists, kinesiologists, recreational therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists/TCM doctors, counsellors, pharmacists, nutritionists, social workers, support staff, volunteers and so much more. Who is your TEAM made up of and how can the staff at RISE BC WELLNESS CENTRE help?

Dr. Kailia and his team at RISE work together to help guide each patient to create their own unique treatment plans. They are able to work together to ensure that each treatment plan is uniquely designed for each client’s unique circumstances.

Currently Dr. Kailia’s team of private service practitioners consists of Tara Emery (medical social worker), Anna Topf (registered kinesiologist), Mary Houle (registered massage therapist), Andrea Wilson (acupuncturist, traditional Chinese medicine), and Bronwyn Cormack (occupational therapist)


Click the Link bellow to see more information about our TEAM

Meet our staff PDF