Acupuncture may be able to help you
Acupuncture is a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and has been shown to ease stress, depression and anxiety with good results. TCM theory states that the free flow of Qi (which may be loosely translated as “energy force”) regulates the overall health in your body. Qi circulates in the body through pathways called meridians and when this flow is blocked or disrupted, imbalance and health issues occur. When acupuncture needles are inserted into prescribed acupuncture points, the flow of Qi may be restored which helps to balance the body and mind, thereby promoting overall health. One of the way acupuncture works is by stimulating the nervous system, nerves and brain.
How can acupuncture help decrease my stress?
Researchers at Georgetown University used lab studies to demonstrate that acupuncture slows the body’s production of stress hormones. Their findings were published in the April 2013 issue of the Journal of Endocrinology. In western terms, acupuncture balances the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems. The Sympathetic system is responsible for fight or flight response, while the Parasympathetic system is responsible for the rest and digest functions. In today’s hectic world, many people walk around with an over-stimulated Sympathetic nervous response. Acupuncture can inhibit the Sympathetic nervous response (often due to over-stress and a busy lifestyle) while activating the Parasympathetic response, which creates space for healing and regeneration to take place in the body.
Actual treatment is always based on differentiation of syndrome or your diagnosis in TCM terms. The most appropriate treatment overall is the one that is specifically for you as an individual so proper diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms is critical.
Andrea Wilson TCM/Acupuncturist