If you don’t find what you are looking for below, you may email us a question.
Q: Are walk-in appointments available?
A: Unfortunately, at this time, appointments are mostly pre-booked, however we can occasionally accommodate walk-ins.
Q: What can I do to prepare for a consultation appointment?
A: Please arrive on time. Wear comfortable, stretchy or loose-fitting clothes, with your hair tied back if need be.
Q: Can I come in for multiple issues?
A: Please focus on your main problem. Your doctor will do his or her best to handle all your medical concerns efficiently. However, certain complaints require follow-up appointments. Please be prepared to return for follow-up appointments at your doctor’s medical discretion. Your doctor will focus on your main problem first and if necessary, discuss plans for any other medical issues.
Q: Can I request a referral?
A: Referrals are at the discretion of the doctor. Specialists require a full history and physical exam, preliminary investigations, and a provisional diagnosis before a referral is made. Our doctors will refer you once they have determined that you need a specialist.
Q: Does MSP cover all services?
A: MSP does not cover all services. For example, forms and sick notes require payment. All forms must be presented at the reception desk and paid for before the office visit. Transfer of records is not an insured service.
Q: Can I talk to my doctor directly on the phone?
A: Doctors do not take patient phone calls without appointments. Please make an appointment to speak with your physician should you have any questions, comments or concerns. This is the safest and best way to deal with your health or the health of a loved one.
Q: Can I get my test results over the phone?
A: Test results will not be given over the phone. Medical office assistants are not trained to interpret results. Please make an appointment if you wish to discuss your test results.
Q: Will I be charged if I miss an appointment?
A: Please do your best to notify us if you cannot make your appointment. We require a 24-hour cancellation notice. If you do not notify us you will be charged for the missed appointment.
Q: What are the details about terminating the doctor-patient relationship?
A: Termination of the doctor-patient relationship can be done at any time and can be initiated by either party. If you feel that the relationship is not working out, you are welcome to seek a new doctor at our clinic or elsewhere. A doctor can equally decide if the relationship is not therapeutic and will notify the patient via written letter.
Q: Can I get prescription refills?
A: Do not call the office for a refill as physicians typically write prescriptions to run out at a time when they would like to reassess your condition. Please book an appointment for a refill before your prescription runs out.
Q: Zero-tolerance policy.
Q: RISE BC has a zero-tolerance policy regarding verbal abuse, displays of aggression or harassment of staff, physicians or patients. This includes in person, telephone, email or regular mail. As well, any act of fraud, theft or trespassing or any actions which impede the healthcare process may result in immediate denial of service, a request to leave the premises and permanent cancellation of medical management services by any of the physicians at RISE BC.